Tuesday, November 1, 2011

AEDM- Face 10 - Overcoming Fears

For the Art Everyday Month I am attempting to overcome my fear of painting directly into my sketchbook. This may seem like a small thing but for me it is huge. Usually I sketch in my book, then make copies to paint. I am also working on my writing skills each painting will have a story. This painting is a story about a girl named Janna, who walks around with this scowl on her face as her protection against being shy.


Morph Waffle said...

I like how each painting will have a story, fun!

Judy Hartman said...

What a great start to AEDM, and I love your goal to paint directly into your sketchbook and write a story for each image! I can relate to this girl, having been very shy when I was younger. Beautiful!

Tracey FK said...

I get a bit nervous about painting directly into my journal also and just have to grit my teeth and jump in on some days!!! Looking forward to following along on AEDM

Julie said...

what a great face!

1artsychick said...

I love that you have a goal.
A great painting, would love to hear the story!

I rarely paint in my sketch book either. I find when I do I often end up with something I wish I'd put on something more permanent.

I haven't been painting much lately. Hope to get back to it soon...bur for now...ink, pencils, and water color pencils are doing the trick. (and a little computer art.)
good luck this month.

Jennibellie said...

Great face & great story - think we've all been a Jenna at some point, thanks for sharing Jennibellie x