Well the end of April is here. In the South it means only 3 more weeks of school. I can say that it has been a pretty good school year. It went by really fast. Everyone is asking if I'm excited about my last child graduating from high school?, and the answer is yes. Then they say will you be sad? Currently I don't think so. I've listen to a lot of older women talk about how lonely their house became after their children all left. So I've been making sure as a mother to keep a small, secret part of myself where all my hopes and dreams go so that when this day came I wouldn't be lost because I poured all of myself into my children. I've made sure to invest in myself. I still have a list of things I would like to accomplish. Now that I will not wear all of those hats a mother with school age children wears I will be able to fully dive into the things I've didn't have time for. So stick around to see if I find out if my views are correct.
I went to an Estate Sell today, as usual I was looking for anything art related. I found these chalk pastels for less than $5, they are still new Vintage Koss 48 Square Pastels
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