I started this blog in 2007 because something was missing from my life. It was creativity. I found myself married with four children and feeling as though I had lost myself. I use to sew, quilt, and garden. My resolution for 2007 was to find that creative person I once was. So I began to make time for myself to create.
When I had only one child I had an entire room that was for my arts and crafts. Child number two came and I had to downsize and move into the laundry which was a nice size. With child three and four I had so much laundry forget about having any room or time for arts and crafts. The only piece that I felt that was left of me was reading.

My blog is called Fourborne named after how many children I have and inspired by my favorite book Pride and Prejudice the estate was called Longbourn.
As I mentioned previously I love to read. I try to challenge myself every year. I started participating in the 50 book challenge on librarything.com in 2008. Now I just set my own challenge on goodreads.com. You can see my current challenge on the left side bar of my blog. My life goal is to read 365 in one year. I was inspire by a story I read in the New York times of a woman who was doing it. However I don't think that I will accomplish this until I'm an Empty Nester.
We moved in 2013 and now I have a little more space.