She made her mind completely vacant as he talked to her.My submission for Illustration Friday. Sometimes when you really don't want to argue it helps if you can go to that vacant place in your mind. However teenage children go there often when dealing with parents.
Cool drawing; actually this looks like my friend's reaction to her teenage daughter at times!
oh..I know THAT feeling:)
You really caught the emotion and response in this drawing!
nice drawing, very expressive!
I am seeing a lot of vacant stares this week :) Nice one.
Geez, I have SO been there. Nice illustration.
Very wonderful illustration. I think my husband has had this mental image of me in his brain before.
Very expressive!
OOOh but I know this look all to well. It's the look I get when my husband is talking to much! he he he he! great illustration my friend.
You've captured it exactly! A vacant stare, but I'll bet she's thinking hard about something completely different!
Oh, don't I know that...it happens a lot at work!
How true..expressively captured my emotion here.
have a merry time counting down to Christamas!!!
brilliant post (again).
Wonderful interpretation of the topic and lovely drawing !!
very expressive and creative idea!
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