I try not to worry but pray. Although sometimes my concerns turn to worry. The end of this school year has caused me to go from the concern to worry mode. The CRCT test results for 2 of my children will determine if they get to move to the next grade. Even if they pass their classes for the year, one test will determine if they get to advance.
Awww.. We the parents have the same worriness about our children. Thanks for sharing the story
Nice composition and expression.
nice work! I like subtle colors you used.
I feel there is far too much emphasis on the testing these days--in many ways is a big money-making machine, and the kids (and parents, of course) are under a lot of pressure and stress. Learning should be more hands-on and enjoyable. Anyhow, lovely drawing and best wishes to you and your children.
Beautiful image, I love the shading and her worrisome expression! Kids are the worry of our entire lifetime. I hope all goes well.
This piece holds a lovely presence of concern and worry.
I have felt frustration with our school systems. They do not consider the individual's gifts and ways of learning.
Wishing you and your children the best.
this really captures 'worry' excellently. Its a real treat, well done.
beautiful poignant expression, lovely piece.
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