Do you remember having a piggy bank when you were little? Somehow as Americans we have gotten away from saving money. We have a -1% savings rate. We don't think about when a rainy day comes, we think we can put it on our credit cards. Credit cards are not saved money. I drew this FEED THE PIG from a website (www.feedthepig.org). It is to encourage people to save. When I think of save it reminds me to make a wise choice with the rebate we will receive in May. What will your choice be?
i still have a piggy bank and i stick all my loose change in there at the end of the day, and it always adds up. good post.
I love the message and the illustration! Wonderful inspiration, just to do that!
This is good advice and a good kick in the butt! Great illustration and a great message:>
what a good reminder! i haven't saved in a while :-(
I say invest in yourself, don't hunker down in a hole with your supplies and slowly conserve and worry.
Buy books, buy art supplies, buy exercise equipment and healthy foods, then you'll be better prepared for the future than just having some money in a bank!
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