I haven't been doing any art work lately. I did do a journal entry for my flickr, but it was so personal I didn't feel confortable sharing it with everyone. Maybe when my life is no longer on hold I can be more open. When I am going through life's valleys I am ready to get back to the peak. Where everything is going according to plan. But for a while now things are not going to plan.
I feel like I'm in a bottle. I can't move around I can think outside of my limits. I'm not in a good place to be creative. So last night I did do to pictures, one for Illustration Friday the word was citrus. The second picture was of a African American woman. I called her the "Phenomenal Woman" for some reason Maya Angelo's words were in my mind as I painted her. I think that its a little better than some of my other acrylic skin tones. I still need lots of practice. When things turn around I hope I can take an art class. I really wish it would happen before June. Oh well, stay positive, keep holding on.
The one thing that I am keeping up dispite my lack of motivation is reading. Currently I'm trying to get thru the DaVinci Code. I only chose to read it because I wanted to see what the hub-bub was about. I can't get into it, but my goal is to finish each book that I have selected on my 50 Book Challenge.