This is one of my projects that I finished over the summer break. I really would like to have hardwood floors but that is currently not in my budget since my husband and I are trying to become debt-free (Dave Ramsey fan). I couldn't stand the old tile that was on the floor anymore so I pulled it up and painted my cement floor to look like wood. I think I did a great job.
One day I will have the cash to do the real thing but for now I am happy. NO MORE UGLY TILE.
Me too! We're having wood floors put in starting tomorrow. Total upheaval. I wish my floors looked like yours right now! Another thing - the creative person you once were is a gray shadow compared to the colors yet to come. Your work is just lovely.
Your friend,
The floor is great! I painted a metal door to look like wood. Most people think it's real. Isn't woodgrain fun to do? You get that great "Look what I can do" feeling after finishing the project.
This is paint?! Wow! Your floors look beautiful!
Wow, that looks really good! That must have taken forever! Good luck on the debt snowball. Ours is working very well. Its so exciting to see a $0 balance on a credit card!
Its amazing, how this work be done very very amazing. I hope you will post more. Thank you for sharing.
The floor looks so nice. The pictures shows the proof of beauty of that floor. I hope you will post more and thank you for sharing.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Hello I'd like to thank you for such a terrific quality forum!
Was thinking this would be a nice way to make my first post!
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I would like to know how you did that on cement & what you sealed it with?? I have to cover 2k sq ft. Could you help with some more details?? Thanks Karen
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